Anyways, there are candy bowls hidden all around Jamaa with many special treats! Here is a guide for those who just wanna get some Jamaa-Style Candy!
There is a candy bowl in every land and here are where EACH are located! :D
( ) - Entrances to each land Ex. (Forest to Town)
( ) - Entrances to each land Ex. (Forest to Town)
Jamaa Township:
(Appondale to Town)
Go right until you reach the town square.STEP 2! Continue south until you reach the pond. Go to your left until you reach the entrance of the Medical Centre.
(Forest to Town)
Go south until you reach the town square. Repeat Step 2.
(Temple to Town)
Go to your left until you reach the town square. Repeat Step 2.
(Appondale to Town)
Go right until you reach the town square.STEP 2! Continue south until you reach the pond. Go to your left until you reach the entrance of the Medical Centre.
(Forest to Town)
Go south until you reach the town square. Repeat Step 2.
(Temple to Town)
Go to your left until you reach the town square. Repeat Step 2.
Alternative Candy: uh look like Starbursts :3
(Appondale to Town) Go right until you reach the town bulliten. STEP 2! Go north and stop near the entrance to Sarepia Forest.
(Appondale to Town) Go right until you reach the town bulliten. STEP 2! Go north and stop near the entrance to Sarepia Forest.
(Temple to Town)
Go left until you reach the Town Buliten Board. Repeat Step 2.
(Forest to Town)
Go to your left until you see you reach the candy XPMt. Shiveer:
Candy: uh... I forget what its called....
(Sands to Mt.)
Go south past the ice then go left and up the hill. Go north up the slope until you're near the head of the slide.
(Forest to Mt.)
GO left until you reach the ice patch then go up north up the slope. Continue until you reach the head of the slide.
(Town to Appondale)
Directions: As you enter Appondale, just go left past the pet shop and then go north towards the fruit slinger game
Sarepia Forest:
Candy: Kinda like Peppermint XD
(Temple to Forest)
Go left past the slide and then go north when your each the ladder.
GO directly right past the head of the slide then continue until you are near the entrance to Coral Canyons
(Canyons to Forest)
GO left and you found it :P
Town to Forest)
GO to your right until you're at the ladder then go north. Go right past the head of the slide until you near the entrance to Coral Canyons
(Mt. to Forest)
GO right and continue until you reach the Movie Theatre then go south!
Well I know where all of them are but I can't get any pictures :3
And i still need directions for some of those beginners out there XD
If you have any questions just ask! :D