Thick Skeleton Skull

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Break the Bridge?

Hi! I've come upon a rumour about if you break the bridge at Coral Canyons you get a free glove! I think I heard that there has to be 30 people hopping on the bridge to break it. I've joined in the "Break the Bridge" plan. Soon after that picture was taken even MORE people came and hopped on the bridge! There has to be at LEAST 30 here right now! Unfortunately, I see no way of getting a free glove this way but it was SO fun! :D


  1. hi!i love ur blog and i tried that 2 did it work 4 u???

  2. hi i have a blog to your blog is very creative and i have a question for you how do you make the questions on the side?
    if you want to buddy me im pie7499 kk goodluck with ur blog

  3. I think you mean the polls Rosey Cutewolf. You go on design, then click "add a gadget" on a sidebar or below at the bottom of your blog. Scroll down to make a poll, and you can create a poll for your blog!

  4. Sorry for people who belive in breaking the bridge, but I e-mailed HQ and they said that whoever said that you get a free glove is lying. Its a myth. But in Club Penguin you can tip the iceburg so I dont blame people! -Anonymous

  5. i tried to do that, but 2 hours past and i got really bored so i went somewhere with my date in AJ ( my date is my date in real life too! add him darklucario83)also, add me shylittlewarrior!

  6. Some mean person said on my blog, "YOUR THE ONLY BLOGGER WHO BELIEVES IN THIS BRIDGE STUPIDITY!!!"

    It really hurt my feelings... :(

    1. Well, screw the person who said that to you cuz they have no life. :)

  7. I SO believe in this! Mainly because I want that glove. Lol XD ! And did someone SERIOUSLY say GAIN WEIGHT?! Lol XD ! Btw, love the blog!
    - neonspaida

  8. Tht is fake. No one will be able to gey a glove by breaking the bridge. :o

  9. I am a believer!!

    I believe I can fly!
    Get shot by the FPI!
    Fly into Burger King!
    Get myself a pair of chicken wings!

    Or, the Animal Jam Version...

    I believe I can break the bridge!
    But I may fall off of it's ridge...
    Jump into the secret room
    Where gloves are located, I assume

  10. People say you might get a free membership

  11. People, STOP SAYING YOU WILL GET MEMBERSHIP FROM THE BRIDGE AND ICE! What you REALLY get is... well i think that thee shamen caves! And you will fall into it and meet a shamen!!! (almost better than membership!!!) And you MIGHT get a rare but its a low chance... But you will meet a Shamen!


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