Thick Skeleton Skull

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


 ok the shaman tht was spotted in coral cayons was ZIOS the father i jamaa we all had a paty and i earned jems he said he could go anywhere so just look

Friday, 25 November 2011

No! I Didn't Quit!

Look, if you're calling me a "quitter" well I was banned alright? I would be playing now if I wasn't banned!

I didn't bother playing on a seperate account cuz I had so much on dat file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^;

anyways, the only I WOULD be coming back was if I wasn't banned anymore but Yewa that's not gonna happen!

Look, don't ask why I was banned! I probably said something that AJ overreacted with >:(

Monday, 21 November 2011

Listen up

Everyone LISTEN THERE IS SSomething very important I gotz to seh here it is SHAMAN HAS BEEN SPOTTED IN CORAL CAYONS GUESS WHO


Hey sorry you guys haven't been hearing from me lately but don't worry I'm basically all good except for 2 casts (one's comin' off this weekend) :)

Sorry, but I can't really work on my blog no more D: Sorry, for the disappointmentl, guys! :(

If you hope to take over the blog then just ask me :3

Oh yeah and I'm not gonna be on Animal Jam no more, either D:

Well, bye then :(

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Hi again!

Hiya! Yup, I'm kinda ok and now I'm out of the hospital so thankz for all the support and I'll be fine after a few weeks or so! ^_^


P.S. (dragontiger123, if youw ant you can change the template of this blog from Halloween to something else!) :3

Saturday, 12 November 2011

New code

New code roar 1000 gems


Yea yea yea just um keeping this blog awesome

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Ok everythig

Yea feeling good awesome umm.......€£¥ <•••••••••••••••• HAHAHA Funny

So um anyone have codes -~- XY $-£¥• hahaha this was a random post to lighten moods if ur feeling down
Also join my clan flAme clan
I hope ur ok foxlan

Monday, 7 November 2011

Hiya! :3

Hey, guys!

Lolz yeh I'm still here in the hospital but my mom brought my laptop so I thought I'd say hi and thankz to all you guys! :3

Don't worry I'll be fine and I won't die XD

Unless a helicopter crashes through the ceiling but other than that I'll be good :3

I'm still in really bad shape XD Casts are annoying

I won't really be posting since well yeh

Thankz a lot guys! Ill be fine! Don't worry :)


 so ummm ahhh yea i think i Found some new codes still trying em so will tell em if da work loook at dissss it colll  cool right very cool so this blog is very cool
 good luck foxlan at de hospatal  <----------- probly a mis-spell
hi there its cool to be a author and infinite can i be a administrator like u r on my blog  so umm guys lockingcenturey1 bad hacker look him up his tigers name said cures words bad person!

Sunday, 6 November 2011


Hey, Bloggers,

Hello, I am foxlen's older brother, davindur11, and if you have been wondering why she hasn't posted in awhile is because she was in a car accident...

That's all I am going to post. Please no questions asked...

