Thick Skeleton Skull

Monday, 7 November 2011

Hiya! :3

Hey, guys!

Lolz yeh I'm still here in the hospital but my mom brought my laptop so I thought I'd say hi and thankz to all you guys! :3

Don't worry I'll be fine and I won't die XD

Unless a helicopter crashes through the ceiling but other than that I'll be good :3

I'm still in really bad shape XD Casts are annoying

I won't really be posting since well yeh

Thankz a lot guys! Ill be fine! Don't worry :)


  1. I'm glad you're going to be alright! :)

  2. ill pray for uuu
    wait ill take care of the blog while ur in the hospital just grant me administrator privileges dont worry i wont touch settings. ill just make posts and stuff ^-~

  3. YAY! Your okay! *FEW* Super happy to hear youre alright ;)

  4. OMG That sounds so terrible about what happened. I am SO glad you're ok!!

    Look on the bright side: You don't have to go to school. Luck.y -.-

  5. I am SO glad you're okay I was worried!
    I'll pray!

  6. im so glad you didn't die! lol jk! Hey Foxlen! Im a member now! Sheesh, as you told clairbear414, i should NOT go out as a lion! :D Hope you come out of that Prison of a hospital and come out to have fun again! :D -shylittlewarrior

  7. I am glad your ok! Very glad! I thought you quit. Or died. Or you thought you will die. Well, you get the idea. XD

    Dragontiger123 isn't really saying stuff about AJ. >:(

  8. livieloo6 on animal jam11 November 2011 at 09:16

    :/ im in hospital too cuz of a car crash both legs broken and one fractured arm i feel ur pain...literaly lol


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