Thick Skeleton Skull

Monday, 3 October 2011


Hey! X3

Since I'm suspended for a week...


Anyways I'm gonna be working on my aniamtion series for bloodbath. I am also holding a casting call for voice talents. If you are intertested please comment below naming your gender and tone of voice!  
(High-pitched, Average, Deep-toned)

So, if you would like any further instuctions please just comment below!

Argh im such a nerd T.T

So when Im unsuspended Ill go back to tlaking bout Animal Jam! :3

TIl then! BYE!

P.S. Plus I'm dealing with a cold right now so I have nothing better to do :|


  1. Cool! I want to make an animation series too, but I'm guessing it'll be a bit different (And, I need to get better at drawing!).
    What are the roles? I'd just like to know before I audition:P I'm really picky about things like that. Sorry if I annoyed you.

  2. I want to audition but i don't know the roles either, so i don't want to do anything i don't wanna do

  3. lol ya I have to get the basis layout of the characters first! DERP :P

    So ill give you any updates, ok?

    lol bye X3



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