Thick Skeleton Skull

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Blog Update!

Hey guys! Yea, soon this blog will have a few updates to it to make it better! This may take a few days or so, though. Youc an still enjoy my blog but note it may change over the next few days. Ok? K! Well so long, jammers!

1 comment:

  1. I heard you wanted to know how to make the "buttons" I put up on my AJ blog. The ones that say Home, Glitches, and the other ones. All I did was open up paint, colored the background black (to match the background of the blog), and took hot pink and wrote what I wanted the buttons to say. You can do that to on your blog with my permission ! Jam On!!


Please respect other comments! I wouldn't care if you swore but this is an all-age blog so don't!