Thick Skeleton Skull

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Hi, Jammers! I know it's been 2 days since the new update and newsletter came out but I'd like to review these events coming up! :)

For one, there has be TOTAL renovation on Crystal Sands! New and improved with WATERSLIDES!!
Great and in time for summer!! I will post the image soon enough! And a new array of beach themed furniture! Such as beach towels, umbrellas, etc! Have a Jammin' Summer! :D

The other new thing is the Daily Gem Bonus! Every day you get to spin a wheel with different amounts of money on it and each day you come you double it then TRIPLE it! This can range up to 1500 gems a day! Enjoy!


  1. wow... in ur comment say 'jammer' if u r reading this in june 2012 or any other month in 2012. plz do it. ^_^ thx

  2. p.s. my user is iheartajforevah no caps sensitave


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