Thick Skeleton Skull

Friday, 29 July 2011

Wow...another glitch...

Hey! It's me!! I came across this new glitch with my bud! Where if he sat backwards his coat would disappear!!

If you think I'm lying about this glitch and my friend is NOT wearing a coat... well I'm NOT! See? He's wearin' his coat! But not when he sits!!  Oh wow....I've just noticed another glitch!!! Look at his nametag in his picture!!! Its a nonmemebr name tag yet he is DEFINATELY a member!! Wow!

Have this ever happened to you??


  1. Woah. This has NEVER happened to me... I wonder why it happened? Hmm... Idk lol! Anyway, your blog ROCKS! I'm new on your blog, so idk if you already have mods, but do you think I could be one?:)


  2. its not up to me star but il ask foxlen thank you for the great comment cat and it probobly works if you have different close on to or maybe it just happens somtimes.


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