Thick Skeleton Skull

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Another glitch!

Heyz! Ok, I was in town and then i went to change my animal when this happened...
It only showed 3 of my 8 animals and the fourth one is "Princess Orangemountain"
The rest say Castle and are all priced at 9,999,999 gems! The check mark and recycle icon are overlapped, too.
I couldn't exit or do ANYTIHNG so I had to refresh the page!
I heard this name "Princess Orangemountain" on other blogs in weird glitches!
Those animals shown there I meant to delete! =^-^=

P.S. Princess Orangemountain is not a possible name on Animal Jam


  1. cool that happened to me but when i clicked on princess orange mountain it took me to a page that said congradulations you are now an aj hq member then the page dissappeared!!!!

  2. This also happend to was during an animal jam glitch where you
    get stuck in the sky.......i was a horse and i went to change to my creeped me

  3. That happed to me how do i fix it?

  4. It happend too mee too and i was flying in jamaa and not doing any glicth


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