Thick Skeleton Skull

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Cruddy Drawing I Know! Lol!

Hey, peepz! I drew a drawing for a part of a land in um my new game i guess.
 It looks like a 6 year old I'm usually WAY better than this but I was kinda rushing cuz I can't be up at 1 xD
I tihnk this is the dessert place..
If you have better pics or drawing PLEASE tell me Cuz I sometimes suck D=
Its um supposed to be a lil oasis in the dessert I guess...

I'm usually better than this but I drew it at like 1am cuz i cldnt get any sleep D=

(I didnt get to sleep til 4am...)


  1. It's better than mine when I'm in a rush! Anyway, it's still good!

  2. Kuni is like a vast dessert. I think of it with large throne like rocks. Also with ravens searching for food. Maybe a small pond with some palm around it. Then some small holes in the ground like burrows. Then one clay house near the oasis.

    I have decided something that is oh so true


  3. Hm im trying to draw it ur way but i left that path non the left as the path that leads OUT to the desert i guess.. im not all that great xD

  4. Wow! I don't think this is a 6 year old drawing! I think it looks more like a 5 year old drawing! I'm just joking! It looks like a middle school person drew it!
    My first day if middle school was kinda a rush rush day. But it's a chance to try new things!

  5. I'm trying to draw pictures. I do it horrible. REAL HORRIBLE.

  6. I know what a five year old drawing looks like. HORRIBLE! I can trace pretty good though. I drew a dragon awesomely. I am a good drawer if i have a model. Which ain't good because i don't have a model for Bird World! Maybe i should make it out of play dough. LOL!

    P.S. I am not from Texas.

  7. hey i think my little bro draws good and he is 5 i taught him how to draw pikachu,kirby,yoshi,and link and he is really good at drawing so u pter4u u got it all wrong some 5 year olds can draw really good when i was five i could draw almost anyu thing goood now im 11 and im a profeshional artist like my dad i will be just like my dad
    p.s.i am not tellin u my name but i live in california oops i said 2 much


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