Thick Skeleton Skull

Thursday, 25 August 2011


Ok uh...I was watching T.V with my sister when she realized the ways I've been acting lately over like a few weeks and concluded that I could have diabetes..

I'm sorry if this is NOT Animal Jam related but I'm really freaked....

I'm not overweight, in fact I'm actually good weight...

But Im not that great at exrtcising or eating habits...heh...

Anyways, this is not for sure cuz well it's my sister but she knows this kind of stuff...

Sorry if I bored you.

I know I'm like 13 but I'm really freaked or I could be overreacting..

but this is NOT funny at all!

Anyways uh sorry bout boring you with this.

See ya...


  1. omg thats sad my moms bf has it to all i got to say is BE CAREFULL when doing somethings

    jam on!!

  2. Watch for those diabetes!


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