Thick Skeleton Skull

Thursday, 18 August 2011


Hey, guyz! I got on and I was like OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I love this update! Why? I'll show ya!

First off, is the BRAND new CROCODILE animal!! We were pretty psyched!! xD

Also, a new PET! A little HAMSTER! =3

Ya! This is pretty awesome! This my friend's, superskier88, hamster!!

The Claws n' Paws was REALLY packed, though!

A new postcard in the recognition of the new Crocodile! They are also new crocodile plushes in the Claw! (or so my friend says) Couldn't a pic but I'll post when I can!

New Wallpaper and flooring!! The old Yellow Diner Tables returned and a new Pink Striped Walls! Pick these up when you get the chance!

Oh ya! Some old clothes came back! The beloved NINJA MASK and Dragon Mask came back!

Oh! Now you can change the colour of DEN items! Pretty sweet, eh? =D

New Brady Barr videos are now up for viewing! Check em out!

New double gems in the minigame, Double Up! So c'mon and play and get some double cash!

The Animal Museum added a new Money Topiary and a new Giant Crocodile Plush and Crocodile Banner for the new animal in Jamaa!!

New Crocodile Exhibit under work! Check it out when it's open!!

The Mystery Emporium added some thing in stock as well! A new Shaman Statue! Cornelius the Crocodile Statue! AS well as Twister as an Arcade Game! Pick it up and play!
The Flag Shop loaded up on some BRAND NEW flags! I'm very happy that they released Scotland because I'm part Scottish! ;)

New monthly gift for all you members out there! Here's a sneak peek!! =D
BIG....GIANT...HUGE....AWESOME.....AMAZING...WHAT CAN EXPLAIN IT?! NOTHING! Because we don't know what it is yet! ;) Animal is planning a BIG SURPRISE for us! Want some hints? Hehe. Look for the orange words in the Newspaper!
Oh! I'm not giving it away! >=D
You have to figure out for yourself! Hehehe!
Is this what we have ALL been waiting for? I hope so!!


  1. i atill want the croc plusie thing prufe your friens said baybe if it is im looking for won and i went to that girls house to

  2. Yay! I love all this new stuff (except the rares came back). If you want a screenshot of my pink croc plushie, comment saying when you will want to meet me (I may not be able to come though).


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