Thick Skeleton Skull

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Ok, I was at a random train party and i asked this dude to put his tophat on trade and he and his bud started saying "I dont know what george washington is saying". Stupid, right? Well ya it kinda broke out into this later on. It kinda goes on REALLY long. I seirously don't where he got those lines. Like what? The '30s? Anyways, this dude is livieratos and her bud that was also in this earlier was hipeoples123. Oh wellz. oh and the other one is JustinBieber05! and 7robin7..this went on for like 2 hours.... -.-


  1. Did you report them? I would...And you aren't stupid at all!

  2. Don't listen to these meanie heads! You are not stupid! Block them and report them!

  3. REPORT THEM!! THERE MENIE HEADS!!! you are not anything of what they said that is bad. that is very mean of them!

  4. REPORT THEM!!! Meanies like that don't deserve to be on animal jam and you are not stupid I mean, they got around the swearing rule!!!! REPORT THEM!

  5. REPORT THE MEANIES. I reported them for being a bully and bad words!


Please respect other comments! I wouldn't care if you swore but this is an all-age blog so don't!