Thick Skeleton Skull

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

OH SHIZZEL!!!! @.@

Hey, peepz! Okay, I'm back and got news about this whole new UPDATE! WOOP WOOP! Okay I'll start BIG! If you go to cuztomize your den you'll see this by the "unlock" icon! It's a flippin' STEREO?!

 Ya! Now you can choose any music to go with YOUR den! Besides that boring beat have some new AWESOME JAMS! Awesome, right? Other jammers who come to your den will also hear your choose of tunes!
Sorry, non-members! Changing den music is strictly members ONLY!

Oh ya! New items have also come! Now you can have a cozy, old armchair or a brand new, sleek laptop!

Also, the beloved STAR CAPE has returned! Bringing with it a new Horn Helmet!

The Animal Museum also brought in some new Animal Topiaries! So far you can only get a tiger or panda but more are going to come out soon! ;)

New arcade game in the Chamber of Knowledge! Now you can get some Long Shot to play in your den!

Okay, and now the Claw TOTALLY UPGRADED! Now you can win some cuddly PHANTOM PLUSHES! They try to be scary but we know they ain't! =3 I haven't one yet but I'm outta cash! D=

New game?! BOOYAA! Now you can go play "Pillbugs"! It's quite easy and all you must do is hit ALL the blue bugs in the game! Oh ya!

Now you can get some double gems in Twister!

Say what? New pet AND animal comin' to AJ? Here's a sneak peek, people!! I'm pretty sure on what the new animal is but I am seirously confused about the new pet! More news comning soon!

1 comment:

  1. im pretty sure the pets a hamster,mouse,ginea pig or pig


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