Thick Skeleton Skull

Monday 22 August 2011

Jack Layton!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I know this is EXTREMELY off-topic of my ANIMAL JAM blog but I just heard news today that NDP's leader Jack Layton had died from cancer this morning! (You would really only know him if you were Canadian!)

I'm not all for politics but still it was a BIG shocker! Especially, after his speeches about fighting his cancer! Unfortunely, he lost.

I'm sorry for boring all you possibly "lil" kids out there that are like "Whatz politics?" "Who's Jack Layton?"

Well, ya! I know alot bout this politics stuff (even though I couldn't care littler bout it)

Apparently, he was my favourite out of the candidates! Bye!!

R.I.P - Jack Layton

P.S. I still have NO idea why I posted this but still it was a freakin' SHOCK! it's like "JACK LAYTON IS DEAD, SUCKAH!"

So, ya!

I'll post more bout Animal Jam just be patient!!


  1. I don't know him but that's super sad! :(

  2. miy sister was sad cuz she voted for him

  3. I don't know him but that's really sad! I wish they had a good cure for cancer...

  4. I have no idea who that is but...that's just grandma passed away from cancer before I even met her....

  5. the same thing happened to me...
    My grandpa died from pneumonia when my dad was like 14 so I never met him...

    again, i wish they had a good cure for cancer but like people still aren't what it is!

    Cancer takes too many lives.

    P.S. Jack Layton was one of the canidates running for Canada's Prime Minister. He was a good man and he died an optimistic man.

    I may not know him but if anyone dies then i get sad.

    "My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world."

    -Jack Layton

  6. My Papaw died of CANCER the last time I saw him was when I was 4! (LOL I know I made "cancer" in all caps)


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